Tuesday 6 September 2011

almost a month

A months break was a grand idea. we opened a few new sacks of beans, decorated and umm tasted said coffees.  

So to get the new season kicked off I thought a sensory tasting night might be the way to go... I did a wee test run of this at the last open club night but this time there will be no v60 comp, yes yes I know its called the v60 club. I'm not shunning the v60.
more cupping more coffee and more chat.  

the date for this sensory experience will take place on  

Thursday the twenty second of September
kicking off at 6:30pm 
at a cost of £5

if your keen as chips or just have a question send me an email:

Places will be limited, first in first served. 

Thursday 11 August 2011

Brazil, where the sun is always shining

The summer has taken a wrong turn somewhere. This is bad even for Glasgow. So to perk you lot up I decided to open the sack of Brazil and wow thats what I call a bag of sunshine! 

Philip, Jamie and myself have spent the morning cupping different roasts then putting them through a v60, plunger and finally a chemex. each roast gave us a very different profile and a very good understanding of the coffee as a whole. The first profile was very zesty and rather heavy bodied. We all preferred this roast served in a plunger as it kept the oils but then served in a v60 it was sweeter. The second profile had all of this - the lovely zesty oils and the creamy sweet orange tones. The third profile had nothing. bla. nothing. All in all its been a very buzzy morning, the perfect way to spend this miserable morning! 

now its time to learn about this coffee..

 The farm (fazenda Irarema)is located at an altitude of some 1,000 to 1,300 meters in the foothills of the Serra Da Mantiqueira mountain range. Its around 4 hours drive from San Paulo right in the heart of Brazils coffee growing region, Mogiana.
The area has very fertile volcanic soil and plentiful water supply - Mantiqueira derives from an old indigenous 
Tupi-Guarani word meaning 'mountains that cry' after the many springs and streams that flow off the range.
Irarema has been producing coffee since 1893 - and some of its original Bourbon trees remain. The farm is planted out with a total of 200 hectares of Arabica - 40% is Bourbon.

Its current owner,  Raymond Rebetez - who also runs the neighboring Lambari Estate. Has since set about modernising its infrastructure, investing in state of the art milling and warehouse facilities all while maintaining the farms long established bourbon varietals. The farm is now equipped to produce small fully traceable lots, carefully prepared to protect quality. Before it is shipped the coffee is tasted by a BSCA cupper to monitor the final quality of the coffee. 
As a BSCA member farm, Irarema also has strict environmental and social regulations in place Raymond Rebetez has remarked that 'agriculture is the art of interfering in ecosystems without causing irreversible damage'. Environmental and social sustainability must go hand in hand with the pursuit of quality.

Thursday 4 August 2011



Because its the month that Edinburgh gets down and 'Parties' we have decided that the month of August is a good time for a break. Just a wee break - kinda. its not you its me sorta thing. 
OH but not for good, 

just. the. month. of. August. 

We will be back with a BANG at the start of September with a sensory coffee night for all v60 members. 

Keep watching the facebook page for deals - v60 members you are going to be spoilt!

Become a member in September and you wont need instant ever again. 

 - Happy Summer Geeks -

Friday 22 July 2011

Look what we have...

The Zamora family have been growing coffee at the Cafatalera Zamorana farm for over 100 years. Jorge Zamora is the fourth generation to take on the farm with extra help from his five sons. The estate is made up of some ten farms dotted around the foot of Costa Rica's central volcanic mountain range. The fertile, volcanic soils and mild mountain climate provide ideal conditions for the production of specialty coffee.
The estate is made up of some ten farms dotted around the foot of Costa Rica’s central volcanic mountain range. The fertile, volcanic soils and mild mountain climate provide ideal conditions for the production of specialty coffee. Two varietals are grown on the estate, Caturra and Catuaí. These cherries are hand-picked only when completely ripe. When the coffee has been picked it is taken to the estate’s processing facility in San Isidro, Alajuela. Here the cherries are pulped, fermented, washed and then sun dried on patios. The solid coffee pulp left over at the end of the process is recycled and used as organic fertilizer on the estate, while the waste water is filtered naturally in purification lagoons.

Costa-Rica you have done it again!

We tasted it this afternoon made with quite a few different brewing methods and the bestest one is.. a chemex! Its a bright, citrus fruit salad topped with lime sherbet - perfect for 'summer' 


Monday 18 July 2011

the super v60 club rulez!

The next date is:
Wednesday 3rd

We are so cool that we need a few rules - well guide lines.. rules are for wimps! 

- If you want to make a booking email Megan at: super.v60.club@gmail.com

- If you make that booking then you have to drop the fee in before the meeting if ya don't ya don't get a seat!

- If you are unable to make it you must give 24 hours notice so that we can find someone to fill that seat. 

If we all stick to these then people who do won't get to miss out on coffee fun!

Monday 4 July 2011

in the romance of the evening when young dreams glow softly, coffee is always the perfect companion.


The next meeting is full..

The next one will be around the end of the month with a cupping evening to follow soon after for all the current members.

Please note that there will no longer be a waiting list for unannounced meetings, as these dates fill to quickly and people waiting for the announcement of the next one tend to miss out.. sorry.   

Tuesday 28 June 2011

meeting for new/cool kids..

and remember its still only a tenner!

first open club night:

The first of many open v60 club nights happened last Sunday and it was a great night - Colin was crowned the v60 champ of the Clouds of August! - If you were unable to make it, you missed out! 

There will more but they will be more slightly more focused on other aspects of coffee brewing and tasting - I think that since we have finally located your taste buds we should put them to some good use!

There will be a chance for new members to join soon..

thanks to Niall Walker for getting in the way and taking these cool photos - http://niallwalkerblog.tumblr.com/

Tuesday 21 June 2011

caffeine overdose sunday

The first open meeting is upon us.. this sunday in fact. 
I have written it as many other dates all over the place but what I have been meaning to say for the past 2 weeks is that its THIS sunday. 

sunday the twenty sixth of june

so if you haven't already emailed me already hop to it!
I will put your name on the list, if you aren't on the list ya aren't getting in - well not really you can come but I just need the heads up first so we don't run outta the black stuff

Monday 20 June 2011

pink panther smooth..

a video about making a super v60

everyone needs to give niall a pat on the back, well done sir. 


Wednesday 15 June 2011

another newby to add to the list

Clouds of August roasted in June.. in the Glasgow fog..

This afternoon another new coffee will be added to the board - Glasgow's turn as Edinburgh got this little beauty over the weekend! Jamie and myself roasted this for the first time on friday and it was such a pleasure. 

Like the name states its picked in August, the coffee is grown under heavy shade where they keep their own micro-climate due to the fact of shade and the absence of sunlight. The heat and wind lifting the clouds up and sending the precious moisture away is prevented by the shade and windbreaks and keeps the coffee in this area cool and moist.

All of these coffee trees were planted in 1931 and are Kent/Bourbon varietals. They had never been irrigated thus their root system reaches the deep volcanic soil layers. 

Picking starts at 8am. The pickers were instructed to pick only ripe coffee and were supervised to make sure that this happened. The task was set to 54 kg of cherries per picker, not ripe or over ripe cherries had to be sorted out by hand - the more experienced pickers were allowed to pick much more then the task and they made it up to 145 kg of 1st quality cherry. Picking stopped when the sun carried the mist away. 
The coffee was pulped in the afternoon and fermented for 14 hours then carried by people to the elevated sun drying tables until hours before grading and washing in the water channel. With a moisture content of 11.5% it was then finally conditioned in bins until transportation to Moshi.
Pulping is then carried out using zero water. Pulp transportation water is constantly recycled. This year a lot more water was used then the previous year for the 'Shade of September' - the reason is that there was much more sugar-mucilage in the cherry and 'Shade of September' was a very dry year and the sugar content was much lower. *part of the washing water was used for pulp transportation the next day.

The Coffee was transported on the 25.08.2010 to Rafiki coffee mill in Moshi and finally cured on the 22.10.2010.

This will be roasted this afternoon.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

something to add to the last post:

email the club at: super.v60.club@gmail.com if you wanna come along ( I need numbers so I know how much coffee you lot will be drinking!). 

Sorry this meeting is members only but don't fret you can still can join the club, your chance will be around the start of july.. the date for that meeting will be posted closer to the time. 

The time is upon us geeks.

The first open night is on Sunday the 23rd.
Kick off is at 7pm 

– Yup its kicking off late on a Sunday night and yup the caffeine overdose is going to make Monday morning all that more exciting/difficult! So have that chamomile tea at the ready for when you return on Sunday night.. as Fun and games await my geeks.

Thursday 9 June 2011

first bean/s

Here we are kids - I know you have been all chomping at the bit to find out what our new coffees are so here are 2 that will be roasted tomorrow afternoon for your weekend pleasure!

The first coffee on the list is my new favorite its rather complex but its such an interesting cup - we haven't had a coffee like this in for quite sometime!

First of the new coffees that will be available this weekend is Cafe Familia Mamani Mamani from Bolivia. Its grown by Husband and Wife team Mauricio Mamani Camacho and Lorenza Mamani Huanca (hence the name) on their small family farm in Bolivias Caranavi region – renowned for its high quality organic coffees.

Mauricio was born into the Aymara, an ancient indigenous group which lives on the Altiplano (a vast plateau of the central Andes stretching through southern Peru, Bolivia and into northern Chile and Argentina). He arrived in the Caranavi area 15 years ago, following the death of his Parents from yellow fever, and shortly afterwards brought this 13 hectare farm, some 30km from Caranavi town and 162km morth east of La Paz.

With the help of his wife Lorenza and latterly their 2 young children, he farms eight hectares of coffee, producing some 25 quintals (1q=46kg) of parchment coffee per hectare. The rest of his farm is planted out with citrus trees. The coffee grows at high altitude (1500-1700) in the shade of the native forest trees and is fully organic.

Mauricio used to sell his coffee to local markets as wet parchment – known locally as 'cafe enmoto' – but in recent years has started to dry his coffee himself, which allows him to get a far better price for his beans. The coffee cherries are hand-picked, pulped, fermented in small tanks, washed and then sun-dried on african beds (raised drying screens). Peak harvest time on the farm runs from May until July.

The second is something really special -its from Colombia. We haven't had a coffee from Colombia since 2009 (which was the La Manwela, it was a dream in a cold press!). In that year (2009) it had a really uncharacteristically intense dry season which severely affected the area, leading to major problems with Roya (fungus that dries the leaves and affects cherry production). A rise in average temperatures in the region - widely blamed on climate change – which is also prompting farmers to plant more shade trees (Guamo and Cachingo) to protect the coffee plants.

This unique microlot was produced by two small holder farmers - Rodrigo Lopez and Reinaldo Quinayas - in the parish of Alto del Obispo, high in the mountains of Colombia’s Huila department.
This bean was selected on the basis of its cup profile.

The Alto del Obispo area (literally, ‘The Bishop’s Hill‘) has been producing coffee for over a century. Most of its 300 or so families depend on coffee for their livelihood (coffee production accounts for some 90% of local income), which they produce on small family farms. Most families also grow a mix of yucca, plantain, dragon fruit and mango, and keep a few chickens and pigs, mainly for their own consumption. A few make a living from cattle farming.

The average coffee plantation is around 3 hectares in size and mainly farmed solely by the families that own them. Only during the main harvest season (October to December) are extra hands hired to help with the cherry picking process (usually three to four extra people). The coffee is mainly shade grown under the Guamo, a native fruit tree, and also the local Cachingo, a very broad-trunked tree that stores a high volume of water and so helps the soil to retain moisture. The farmers process their coffee themselves using the conventional washed process, where the cherries are pulped, filled with water in fermentation tanks and then washed and sun dried on ‘elvas’ (a local word for roof patios built on top of the farmer’s house). Some producers also dry on patios and African beds (raised screens).

Farms around Alto del Obispo are currently in the process of joining the government-led Good Agricultural Practices programme (Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas – BPA), an initiative that promotes environmental, economic and social sustainability. The programme’s aim is to improve both the quality of the crop and the health and wealth of the farmer, while protecting the local environment. 

These will be roasted tomorrow afternoon and ready for your drinking pleasure Friday afternoon (if your super keen) or Saturday - Glasgow only, Edinburgh you need to take a day trip! Also if anyone is around the CCA on Saturday I will be at Upmarket selling beans and v60 stuff as well as samples - get in there! 

Wednesday 8 June 2011

welcome to the club

- Welcome new members - 

I'm currently putting together new dates and the date for the first club night. so keep drinking that black stuff and playing with brewing ideas in prep for the open club night!

Wednesday 1 June 2011

super coffee

Our newest arrival of green beans arrived late last week - summer is finally here! (now the weather just has to catch up!). I start test roasting these little beauties next week - I'm so flipping excited! The first open club night will be given the first chance to have a go with a few of them at a super secret location - don't you wish you were part of the club now! 

I will be spilling the beans in the coming days with some information about the estates, roasting notes as well as tasting notes. 
Stay tuned in geeks...

Saturday 28 May 2011

Hello members!

v60 club geeks are as follows:

Wanna join?
email Meg: 

well.. what?

The Super v60 Club is a monthly group that meet in Glasgow, Scotland at Artisan Roast to chat, geek and drink coffee brewed threw the Hario v60 coffee filters.

The idea for the club came to me (Megan) one evening.. nar not really, I just needed an excuse (kinda) to geek about pour over coffee with fellow geeks! 
When the Club meets for the first time I show the group how to find their taste buds and then how to use them to taste coffee. We cup a few coffees, then brake into teams and try some different methods with different coffees. The general idea with this first meeting is to get the juices flowing.. open the mind etc. We don't make the perfect v60 in this meeting as the idea is that the members go home with a bag of coffee and test out some methods/ideas THEN.. come to the open meeting and test their ideas with the other club members! (and have a little fun) - have ya' got all that?! 

We are about to have the 3rd 'Super v60 club' meeting and then the first EVER 'open club' meeting - which is for members only! 

Not only will this blog be full of super v60 club stuff it will also have methods that we are playing around with (good and bad)and the coffees that we are using plus general coffee jazz! 

Welcome to the club, geeks. 

Welcome v60 fans

Welcome v60 fans.